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New Software To Help Detect Lies Developed

If you are in a habit of lying, mind it now a computer can catch your lie and can throw you in trouble. This all is being claimed by the scientists from the University of Buffalo, who have recently highlighted in their statements of developing new software with the help of which the computer can catch the lie immediately.

The newly developed software has been especially designed to read the subject’s eyes to efficiently monitor all the movements of the pupils and determine when the subject is lying or faking.

The above findings are out only after several thorough readings of numerous recorded conversations, which included both truth and lies too. The team of scientists ran the experiment through software and even double checked the findings of the program with a trained human interrogator following which; they noticed that the software and its results were highly accurate with 82.5 percent (even more than the 65 percent false statement ratio that the specially trained examiner identified).

“What we wanted to understand was whether there are signal changes emitted by people when they are lying & can machines detect them?” ‘Daily Mail’ quoted Prof Ifeoma Nwogu as saying.

Several other studies are still ongoing by the computer scientists at the University of Buffalo (UB; Buffalo, NY, USA) to determine the success rate of machine’s reading of visual cues to uncover all the lies.

During the study, total 40 videotaped conversations were studied with the newly developed automated system, which gave 82.5 percent success rate after reading the subject’s eye movements and identifying when the interview subjects were telling truth or lying.

The researchers explained that the theory behind the study and its findings stands the statistical technique that people usually follow to move their eyes in two different situations i. e. when they talk truth and when they field a question designed to prompt a lie. Via : FrenchTribune

With all said and done, my own point here is that I have noticed that when a new technology is discovered or improved upon in the advanced world, it is usually from a University. Why are we not having such things here in Nigeria?

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